Listen For The Sounds...

…of connection.

I was having a playdate with my 2-year-old grandson, Wilson. I live in an apartment building nestled inside of a larger complex built in the '50's. Older, green spaces.

Outdoor play is great, and yet on this day, Wilson bolted away from me. I lifted my head, listened... to the sound of silence.

As anyone knows, with little ones, that probably means trouble. My heart in my mouth I rounded the corner of our building. Nothing. Wowsers that little scamp is fast.

I rounded the corner of the building next door and saw...

Wilson and a rabbit, gray with black dots on its ears gazing intently at each other. The safe COVID distance apart!

The rabbit was about the same height as the 2-year-old when it sat up with ears erect. What followed was engaged play between the wild rabbit and Wilson for 5 minutes.

It involved the rabbit running across the street to another section of our complex, and waiting for Wilson to cross the street to follow.

I invited Wilson to safely cross the street "Wait, for Granny." 

And then with a few calm reminders of "gentle, gentle, and a peaceful Sanskrit mantra" - he ran after the rabbit as a 2-year-old does! 

The game that unfolded before me appeared to be follow-the-leader with-the-rabbit-in-charge. The rabbit spun and dodged sideways in the open green space, coming close to Wilson to encourage participation and then darting out of reach and then back in for more.

Eventually Wilson lost sight of his playmate for a moment, he was distracted by a very tall pine tree and a pine cone. The rabbit took the opportunity to take its ease in the shade of a parked car nearby.

I drank in the sound of their silent connection and the magical moment that had unfolded between me. I thought about how those 5 little minutes had stretched out into an event worth cherishing.


And yet upon reflection - I recalled I used to live in that very apartment, 5 years before adventures took my feet a traveling.

For those years, I had a practise of quietly hanging out with the wild rabbits who gathered there. Sometimes they would gather beneath my window when I was meditating and doing peaceful mantras.

Often on my way to work when I would see one of them in disguise doing their best to impersonate a rock, I would call out a Sanskrit mantra of love and peace sending the gently energy of my voice to them. For no good reason. Simply to connect with no strings attached. Because I could.

I think that rabbit remembered me, recognized the energy of my voice. Sometimes an event is accomplished in 5 minutes that took 5 years to build.

I marvel at how Wilson's reality now includes playing with wild animals who lead the way.

Leaders truly come in all shapes in sizes don't they.

When we make space for silence in our lives, and make time to connect to ourselves and our community with no strings attached, magic enters.

Have a wonder-filled day. You make a difference in all you be and do. #leaderslove


A Surprise Story


Rethink, Relearn, Rehearse.